Custom Synthesis


Product Specification and Characterization
We can assist  you  toset specifications or synthesize products according to your specs.  Product characterization capabilities include 1H and 13C  NMR, high resolution MS, GC, HPLC, FT-IR, UV-Vis, polarimetry, and combustion analysis.



Process Research & Development


If you have problems with a process of a key intermediate or a potential product, let us help find the solutions. We have extensive experience dealing with chemical processes and can help fix a specific problem, develop options for further evaluation, and perform route selections.

We can develop and validate manufacturing procedures and analytical methods for each step of a synthetic sequence to ensure reproducibility.  If necessary, we can isolate and characterize the impurities present in a product and provide reference standards.


  • Integration of analytical and process chemistry
  • Improvement of  troublesome steps in your process
  • Optimization or redesign of an entire process
  • Isolation and identification of impurities
  • Process validation
  • Analytical method development and validation